webinar "future research in percid fish" During this webinar Core Group members will present their running and future research on percid fish.

This EPFC-Core Group members only webinar allows the members to get an insight in the future research plans of colleagues within the EPFC-CG. At the end of each presentation we will discuss/talk about possible cooperation or parallel research possibilities. 

Members of the EPFC-CG got an invitation to this teamsmeeting. If you are interested to join EPFC Core Group please mail to info@epfc.net



13:00 introduction 

13:15 Pascal Fontaine, Université de Lorraine, INRA

14:00 Daniel Zarski, Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research

14:45 Tomas Policar, University of South Bohemia

15:30 Stefan Teerlinck, Inagro

16:15 end discussion

  • Date

    Tuesday 2 February 2021 from 13:00 to 16:30


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