The conference program will cover various aspects of the biology of perch (Perca fluviatilis, P. flavescens, P. schrenkii), pikeperch/walleye/sauger (S. lucioperca, S. volgensis, S. vitreus, S. canadensis) and related species including early life history, population dynamics, behavior, fish stock management, aquaculture, physiology, predators and parasites and interactions with other species.
Main symposium scope:
- Biology of perch, pikeperch, walleye, sauger, ruffe
- Early life history, ontogeny
- Population dynamics
- Behavior, evolution
- Fish stock management
- Aquaculture
- Physiology, genetics (eDNA including)
- Predators and parasites
- Interactions with other species
The following world-renowned scientists will participate as KeyNote speakers of Percis V: John F. Craig (Scotland), Robert Arlinghaus (Germany), Peter Eklov (Sweden), Martti Rask (Finland), David G. Fielder (Michigan, United States) (see
Participants will have the opportunity to publish their high quality papers in the scope of percid fish ecology in a symposium issue of Ecology of Freshwater Fish or to publish their contributions in Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries (both Wiley).
Last but not least, we are looking for SPONSORS for our symposium. If you are interested in contributing, please see our web pages for sponsorship opportunities (
For more information, please see the attached document or visit our webside (see
We would be grateful if you would forward this invitation to other colleagues, who might be interested.
Sunday 18 September 2022 to Friday 23 September 2022
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