During this three days' workshop you will learn all what there is to learn about the sperm of percid fish:
- what is the contribution of the male percid fish in reproduction and offspring,
- how do you make sure your fish will have optimal sperm quality,
- how will a fish farmer obtain a perfect sperm sample of his fish,
- what is needed to qualify the sperm quality,
- cryopreservation, how is it don on the farm, what is need to perform this technique.
The price of the workshop is 700 euro (EPFC-CG members have a discount of 300 euro). During this workshop you will have no extra costs. Only transport from home to the workshop is not included in the price.
Day 1
Arrival until evening, Welcome Dinner.
Day 2
Theoretical classes
9.00-10.30: Introduction to spermatology
Discussion on function of male in reproduction (biology, basically) as well as it’s contribution to the offspring phenotype (epigenetics, for example). Also, gonadogenesis will be explained, with emphasize on percids.
10.30-10.45: coffee time
10.45-12.15: Let’s talk about sperm – super specialized cell (cell structure, sperm motility)
Presentation addressing sperm as a specialized cell: structure, components of the cell and their role. Also, the sperm motility will be explained – how to trigger the sperm motility, examples from various taxa.
12:15-13.15: Lunch
13.15-14.00: Sperm quality – what it is and how to analyze it?
Here all the definitions and principles standing for sperm quality will be thoroughly discussed. Besides, all the techniques allowing sperm quality evaluation will be briefly explained.
14.00-14.45: How to get the sperm out of the fish?
Here hormonal injection aspect will be discussed and catheterization as a measure preventing sperm contamination will be briefly explained.
Practical classes
14.45-17.00: Equipment for sperm motility assessment & practical evaluation of sperm motility
Presentation of CASA system and other important equipment and consumables related to sperm analysis. Also, the sperm motility of perch using various activating media will be presented and shown to the trainees. The aim is to visualize that different media can have different effect on how many cells are moving but also that the movement can be prolonged, but also stopped entirely.
18.00+ : Dinner
Day 3
Theoretical classes
9.00-10.30: Sperm cryopreservation: principles and definitions
Here the theory of cryopreservation (with some historical perspective) will be provided and later some examples from various taxa will be discussed for broadening the knowledge. Here, also basics of cryopreservation will be explained.
10.30-10.45: coffee time
10.45-12.15: Practical aspects of sperm cryopreservation in aquaculture
What the farmer need to cryopreserve the sperm, what to pay attention to, how to adjust farm infrastructure and what is the advantage to collaborate with research entities?
12:15-13.15: Lunch
Practical classes
13.15-16.00: Equipment for sperm motility assessment; sperm motility revealed – SJ and JN and AC
Here all the equipment will be shown, explained and showcase of the cryopreservation will take place. Also, thawing process and evaluation of motility will be trained and discussed. In effect the trainees will be familiarized with a typical workflow. We will use perch sperm as an example.
18.00+ : Good Bye Dinner
Day 4
Monday 24 April 2023 18:00 to Thursday 27 April 2023 09:00
- d.zarski@pan.olsztyn.pl