Advanced technology solutions for broodstock management and research This webinar, Advanced Technology Solutions for Broodstock Management and Research, was hosted by Hatchery International ( and sponsored by Biomark (

This webinar, Advanced Technology Solutions for Broodstock Management and Research, was hosted by Hatchery International ( and sponsored by Biomark ( 

so this webinar was not an EPFC initiative but we found the subject so applicable to our sector and secondly one of our core members, Valperca/Percitech, took part in the panel discussion. Futher on this year EPFC Core Group members will get the opertunity to join a webinar as follow up on this on, EPFC-CG members will get a invitation to this.


A key component to successful aquaculture production lies at the heart of broodstock management. Managers work diligently to produce fish that better meet market demand with better performance through generations of strategic breeding. Regardless of species or location, monitoring broodstock success requires careful analysis of breeding efforts and the ability to trace offspring single individual from hatching to market size and to evaluate growth, disease resistance and other important parameters, through the farming cycle. In this webinar, our panel of experts from Valperca SA, USDA, and Biomark will discuss the benefits of PIT tagging, genetic sampling, and data collection solutions for effective broodstock management and breeding program.

  • Date

    Wednesday 7 April 2021 from 16:00 to 17:00


record of the webinar
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