From 15 until 18 March the EPFC Core Group will gather in Switzerland. This to overlook the first 3 years work and to discuss the way to go in the future with this closed community. The first question concerning the future we want to answer during this workshop is what this group could mean for the producers and scientist in the development of a selective breeding program. Can we set up an selective breeding program for pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) and Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) and move forward together.
15 March
17:00, Welcome drink
18:00, Overview of the work done during the first years, financial overview.
20:00, Dinner, hotel, bar,…
16 March
9:00, Visit Tropenhaus Frutigen
12:00, Lunch
Transport to Bern University of Applied Science.
14:00, What is needed to set up an selective breeding program: make them simple, pragmatic and useful, by Thomas Lecocq and Emmanouil Diakos (University of Lorraine).
An overview of advantages, pitfalls (limitations), and methodologies of current selective breeding programs will be presented.
15:30, Coffee break
16:00, “Round table – What are your previous attempts, means, and expectations to develop selective breeding programs?” Each company will present 10 minutes.
17:15, Coffee break
17:30, Round table part 2.
19… Dinner, hotel, bar,…
17 March
9:00, Selective breeding programs: how to make them better by Thomas Lecocq and Emmanuouil Diakos (University of Lorraine).
How can you develop Percid selective breeding program using the same approach used for other fish species. how should we develop together an improved selective breeding approach (using multi-function information) to build your fish stocks on better foundations."
10:00 Coffee break
10:15, What should be done? How to divide the tasks? How do we organise the broodstock? Financing possibilities?
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Train trip towards Swifish, visit Swifish.
18:00 Dinner near Swifish
After dinner back by train towards Bern/hotel, bar,…
18 March
Breakfast and goodbye.
Tuesday 15 March 2022 17:00 to Friday 18 March 2022 10:00